链云财经公开课第64期 | PERI 加密资产质押和DeFi智能平台 -
从 2019 年起,DeFi 成为区块链领域里的长线热点话题。提供 DeFi 服务的平台和产品飞速发展。DeFi 被认为是一场“新金融革命运动”,人们仅通过在DeFi平台和DeFi服务上存储自己的加密资产就能获得被动收入,而且DeFi 协议提供的贷款利率和复合收益率比许多传统银行的利率要高的多;此外与传统金融系统相比,人们在加密生态系统中获得收益的速度也更快。
今天有幸邀请PERI Finance 联合创始人 Gareth Bowles做客链云直播间。
链云财经:请您简单的介绍一下自己和 PERI Finance
Would you please introduce PERI and yourself briefly to our new friends?
Gareth:PERI Finance is a cross-chain based synthetic asset issuance and derivatives decentralized exchange. This means PERI dApp will run on multi-chain networks like Ethereum, Polygon and Polkadot. Users can exchange synthetic asset, which is tokenized assets that have the same value as original assets.
Also, derivatives means that PERI Finance will provide leverage and inverse functions to synthetic assets.
PERI Finance是基于跨链的合成资产发行和衍生品去中心化交易平台,因此PERI dApp可以在以太坊、Polygon和Polkadot等多链网络上运行。用户可以交易与原始资产具有相同价值的通证化资产,即合成资产。此外,衍生品意味着PERI Finance将为合成资产提供杠杆和反向功能。
链云财经:您选择合成资产领域作为初赛场,请问 PERI Finance有着哪些核心优势?对DeFi又有哪些影响?
You choose the field of synthetic assets as the initial arena. What are the core advantages of PERI Finance? What are the effects on DeFi?
Gareth:With PERI Finance synthetic assets DEX, users can assess traditional and crypto assets on the single exchange. This will affect not only the DeFi sector, but also making a breakthrough of complex barriers on traditional finance.
使用PERI Finance合成资产DEX,用户可以在一个交易所评估传统和加密资产,这不仅会影响到DeFi领域,也会突破传统金融的复杂壁垒。
链云财经:Staking dApp 已经在Polygon以及BSC网络中开始了它实际的工作,请您向大家介绍一下它具体是如何工作的?
Staking dApp is starting to actually work on the Polygon and BSC Network, so please tell us how exactly it works.
Gareth:PERI Finance dApp provide services for mint pUSD by staking PERI/stablecoin/LP tokens. This dApp works on multi-chain network to provide high-speed transaction and low gas-fee to users. Users can select their network to Polygon or BSC by their preference, and functions on dApp are exactly same.
PERI Finance dApp通过质押PERI/稳定币/LP代币为铸造pUSD提供服务,该dApp基于多链网络运行,为用户提供高速交易和低Gas费用。用户可以根据自己的喜好选择Polygon或BSC网络,dApp上的功能完全相同。
链云财经:您如何保证Staking dApp的流动性?对参与质押的用户能带来哪些好处?
How do you maintain the liquidity of Staking dApp? What benefits can be brought to the users who participate in staking?
Gareth:We’re having LP pool on the DEX exchange, which is PancakeSwap on BSC and Quickswap on Polygon. Staking users can get rewards by claiming on dApp. And LP providers also stake their LP tokens to the PERI dApp.
我们在DEX交易所有LP池,在BSC上有PancakeSwap,在Polygon上有Quickswap,质押用户可以通过在dApp上认领获得奖励,LP提供者也可以在PERI dApp上质押LP代币。
链云财经:PERI Finance 今后在DeFi板块将展开哪些新的布局?可以跟大家聊聊接下来的计划吗?
What new layouts will PERI Finance develop in DeFi? Could you talk to us about the next plan?
Gareth:I will share this year’s PERI Finance roadmap to you.
- August: PERI DEX Launch on Testnets
- September: Launch PERI Decentralized Exchange Service
Create and Trade diversified Pynths from PERI DEX, Other Crypto tokens, Forex, Commodities, etc.
- October: Launch PERI NFT Decentralized Exchange Service
Generate NFT Fractional Assets by staking NFT on PERI Vault
- November: Launch Pynths Perpetual Futures Service
Add leverage to Pynths up to 20X
Right now, we’re focusing on launching synthetic asset DEX exchange, so please stay tuned for the further news.
我将与大家分享今年PERI Finance的路线图。
- 8月:PERI DEX在测试网上线
- 9月:推出PERI去中心化交易服务;从PERI DEX、其他加密代币、外汇、商品等创建和交易多样化的Pynths
- 10月:推出PERI NFT去中心化交易服务;通过将NFT质押于PERI Vault,生成NFT部分资产
- 11月:推出Pynths永久期货服务;将Pynths杠杆增加到最高20倍
链云财经:我了解到您的项目上线就吸引了众多的合作伙伴,请您简单介绍一下PERI Finance主要的合作伙伴?未来将更倾向哪种类型作为新搭档?
I learn that your project has attracted many partners since its launch. Could you please briefly introduce the main partners of PERI Finance? Which type will the future prefer as a new partner?
Gareth:For technical integration, we have partnerships with various major projects like Chainlink, Polygon and MakerDAO. And PERI Finance got invested by renowned 20+ Venture capitals like LD capital, Oneblock, AU21, Ruby, Dasheng, Coinunited, Ramprate, Momentum6, MoonWhales and so on. This investment approves that PERI Finance has lots of interests on VC sector. Also, we got lots of partnerships by our connections and VC’s introduction, so that we could promote to as many crypto channels as possible.
在技术集成方面,我们与Chainlink、Polygon、MakerDAO等多个主流项目有合作关系。并且PERI Finance获得了LD capital、Oneblock、AU21、Ruby、Dasheng、Coinunited、Ramprate、Momentum6、MoonWhales等20+知名风投公司的投资,这些投资表明风投领域对PERI Finance有很大的兴趣。同时,通过我们的资源关系和风投公司的引荐,我们获得了很多合作伙伴,这也使我们可以推广到更多的加密渠道。
链云财经:安全性一直是所有项目研究的重要课题,我看到您的项目也受到了来自Chainswap 的黑客破坏,您是如何解决的?
Security is always an important topic for all projects. I saw that PERI was also damaged by hackers from Chainswap. How did you solve it?
Gareth:Right, the previous ChainSwap hacking issue was serious thing to us too.
As we’ve noticed that problem, we bought all of amounts of PERI that hackers dump on exchange to protect users’ assets. And we blocked hacker’s wallet to prevent additional transaction immediately.
Therefore, we can say that PERI Finance has successfully preserved all of users’ PERI assets.
Here’s the Etherscan history about this issue:
没错,之前的ChainSwap黑客事件对我们来说也很严重。当我们发现这个问题,我们马上购买了所有被黑客在交易所倾销的PERI,以保护用户的资产,并且我们封锁了黑客的钱包,立即阻止了其他额外交易。因此,我们可以说PERI Finance成功地保护了所有用户的PERI资产。
What defenses do you have to further protect dApps and smart contracts from hackers?
Gareth:Yes, we had many times of intense test of our dApp! Also, we have done code audit on Certik without any critical issues.
Although the code report was not 100% resolved(91% actually), but that issues were about styling code, not for serious malfunctions on dApp. And we will request additional code audit if needs.
What are your expectations for the $PERI token? What are practical use cases right now?
Gareth:PERI token is now used on minting pUSD at staking dApp, which is basic synthetic asset called ‘Pynths’, and this pynths will used on trading various kinds of other synthetic assets. We will keep achieve our milestones in the long term, and we expect $PERI price will go up simultaneously.
Q1: 主网预计什么时候上线?
When is the main net going online?
Gareth:We have already launched our dApp on Ethereum mainnet, BSC mainnet and Polygon.
You can check our Wechat official account for the further news.
Where can we see the latest news?
Gareth:And our Wechat official channel link will be the answer for this:)
Also we have a Wechat group QR code on the official channel, and we have various event on it。So please join our channel to get airdrop, thank you!
Also, PERI token is listed on Gateio, MEXC and XT.com 。You can check following sites below:
本期活动由链云财经、PERI Finance联合主办,多家媒体战略支持!感谢以下媒体,请持续关注链云财经的最新消息,期待下期更精彩!
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