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2016-09-30 16:20:38 来源:巴比特资讯 阅读:4537
9月24日,一场由BTCC主办的BTC&ETC Meetup活动在上海顺利进行,活动汇聚了众多来自中外的数字货币爱好者们,有“闪电神”之称的闪电网络创始人潘志豪(Joseph Poon)到场分享了闪电网络的最近动态。

9月24日,一场由BTCC主办的BTC&ETC Meetup活动在上海顺利进行,活动汇聚了众多来自中外的数字货币爱好者们,有“闪电神”之称的闪电网络创始人潘志豪(Joseph Poon)到场分享了闪电网络的最近动态。








Joseph:I started looking into Bitcoin in 2011, but haven’t taken it seriously for a while. I originally thought it was an interesting idea from a technical perspective, but it wasn’t until it began to be easily exchanged and used that I understood it was real.

8btc:你和Thaddeus Dryja是如何产生闪电网络这个想法的?完成这份草稿花了多长时间?中间的构想是怎样的?

Joseph:I first started thinking about it in 2013, when the blocks first started being used up from the policy-rule soft-cap, Thaddeus had great feedback and thoughts on possible improvements. The paper took a couple months to actually write — it advocated changes to Bitcoin consensus rules which are in the process of being integrated.



Joseph:It is progressing very well. We are having a Lightning Network meeting right after Scaling Bitcoin Milan to develop and finalize the initial protocol. If there are any



Joseph:The network will be usable after a malleability fix is integrated and activated in Bitcoin. Once Segregated Witness is activated in Bitcoin, it will be usable. That said, initially it should be only used for smaller amounts as the network and software is stress tested. Currently, Lightning is in testing on the Bitcoin Test Network (testnet).

Initially, some aspects will not be as user friendly for end users, but over time, these aspects will be developed and made easier to use. However, it should be available for people to use which require instant payments, especially instant micropayment use cases which can significantly expand Bitcoin’s popularity in the future.

In the long-term, there is direct value from Lightning enabling traders to move Bitcoin between exchanges instantly, brings about better User Experience for Bitcoin to be more similar to existing payment flows (instant payments, invoicing), as well as bringing about true micropayments. I believe that micropayments are one of the major killer apps for bitcoin, and Lightning will be bringing that to be a reality in the coming months.





Joseph:Since I have not attended the Hong Kong Consensus discussion, I am not familiar with the details, consequently, my interpretation is as valid as anyone else. With regards to the discussion around the agreement, I tend to take a neutral position.

I think a lot of work and effort has been placed by all parties to find a good solution for what is best for Bitcoin. Segregated Witness is several weeks if not days away from being finalized and Luke-Jr has done some great research and produced code around what a possible hard-fork would look like. My hope is that the community can move forward to resolve all aspects of the agreement in common and continue developing future improvements in Bitcoin. There are a lot of new technologies, businesses, and use cases which help bitcoin adoption, resolving this from the development side as soon as possible as well as having the community understand this as resolved is the best way to bring about efforts which can help make Bitcoin a valuable currency for all.

我认为各方都已经投入了大量工作和努力为比特币寻找最好的解决方案。隔离见证被定下来不是在今天内完成的,而是几周完成的。Luke-Jr 做了一些非常棒的研究以及围绕着可能的硬分叉编写了代码。



Joseph:I think the Ethereum Hard Fork is incredibly interesting. I think the lessons learned from a hard fork with significant value behind it is immense and directly helps the wider community understand the impact and upside/downside risks for all cryptocurrencies.



Joseph:I’ve been to China many times and look forward to many more, I really enjoy visiting and seeing the sights, people, and the food. I went this time to meet the wider cryptocurrency community in China. I think the Chinese cryptocurrency community is very dynamic and has a great deal of creativity around building leading businesses in this space. Shanghai and Beijing certainly has one of the most activity in this space compared to anywhere I’ve visited.



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